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U.S. Embassy Madagascar

Miarahaba ny Governemanta Malagasy izay nahatafavoaka, tamin’ny alalan’ny Ministeran’ny Jono sy ny Toekarena Manga, ny tatitra momba fangaraharahan’ny jono voalohany indrindra tamin’ny volana desambra 2023 lasa teo.

Tamin’ny 5 desambra 2022 i Madagasikara no lasa firenena fahatelo mandrafitra ny Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) aty amin’ny Faritra Andrefan’ny Ranomasimbe Indiana. Dingana lehibe amin’ny fanatsarana ny fangaraharana eo amin’ny sehatry ny jono ary amin’ny fankatoavan’ny rafitra FiTI ny famoahan’i Madagasikara izao tatitra izao.

Reharehan’ny governementa amerikana ny miara-miasa amin’ny vahoaka Malagasy amin’izay fanamafisana ny fangaharahana eo amin’ny sehatry ny jono izay amin’ny alalan’ny fandaharanasa maro lafy.

Matoky izahay fa ny fangaraharana dia fitaovana matanjaka hiadiana amin’ny kolikoly ary indrindra indrindra hiadiana amin’ny jono tsy ara-dalàna, tsy voatatitra ary tsy voafehin-dalàna (pêche INN).

Azonao alaina amin’ny alalan’ity rohy ity ny dika mitovin’ilay Tatitra FiTI Madagasikara ary mampirisika anao handray anjara amin’ny ady hevitra amin’ny fitantanana ny jono eto Madagasikara.


Congratulations to the Government of Madagascar whose Ministère de la Pêche et de l’Economie Bleue published Madagascar’s first-ever Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) report in December 2023.

Madagascar became the third FiTI Candidate country in the Western Indian Ocean region on December 5, 2022. The publication of the country’s first FiTI report is an important step towards improving transparency in the fishing sector and ultimately becoming a FiTI Compliant country.

The U.S. Government is proud to work with the Malagasy people in strengthening fisheries transparency through various programs.

We believe transparency is a powerful tool to fight against corruption, and especially to counter Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing activities.

Download this report on the website of the Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy (, and start participating in public debates about fisheries governance in Madagascar!

